Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

David had a great first Halloween! On Friday the 29th he visited Jake's work at Elsinore for their Halloween party. We had pizza and trick or treated in the office, where people had decorated their doors. David wore his "Mommy's Little Pumpkin" onesie and pants outfit from cousin Diane. Jake's co-worker Jeff won the office contest for best decorated door (pictured). Jake's door was not too impressive - we just taped a plastic pumpkin to it! He will have to do better next year. Everyone liked seeing David. On Saturday night we went to Pete and Erin's annual Halloween party. David wasn't in the mood to wear his pumpkin costume that night, so he wore the onesie outfit again! I dressed up as a witch, and Jake wore scrubs (from Rex!). On Sunday for Halloween we carved our pumpkin. On Sunday night we attended the annual neighborhood cookout and Halloween party. We ate bbq and sides and candy. David wore his pumpkin outfit! He was pretty sleepy so that probably helped. He slept through the whole party! There were about 15 neighborhood kids, mostly 5 and under. We then went home and welcomed trick or treaters.

Friday, October 29, 2010

State wins big!

David went with us to the State v. FSU game. He spent most of the game in the baby bjorn carrier sleeping. He likes crowd noise; we think that helps him sleep. State won big in the last minute when FSU fumbled! Great game!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sailor boy

David is getting big - he weighs 13 pounds, 4.5 ounces! He has cute chubby fingers and wrists. He looks cute in his blue sailor overalls. He made a visit to the Williams Mullen office, and he looked cute. Most people think he looks like Jake, but I can see some of my features too!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


David had a good weekend and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather! Activities included playing on his play mat, rocking, watching football, visiting the fall festival at the Garden Center in Cary and walking at Shelley Lake!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Monkeying around

David loves his monkey outfit, complete with monkey footies. He also loves his ocean wonders play mat and likes looking and laughing at the aquarium lights, sounds, and the swinging octopus. We are waiting for him to grab at these, which should happen any day! He continues to roll from tummy to back and loves kicking his feet. The cats also like watching him on the playmat, but they keep their distance, since they don't really like all the baby noises! Lily's chosen place is in the rainforest exersaucer.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Jake, David, and I went with my parents and Kimberly and Mike to N. Myrtle beach this weekend for my cousin Leigh's wedding. David did great throughout the wedding festivities. We had fun at the wedding and the reception, which were on the intracoastal waterway. It was a great weekend with beautiful weather! David continues to hit milestones. He can roll over from stomach to back on both sides, he is noticing small objects and following them with his eyes, he is making a lot of ooh and aah sounds, and he LOVES mobiles. I don't think it will be long before he will be grabbing for things (he already grabs my hair!).

Saturday, October 9, 2010

State game

David went to the State/Boston College tailgate and game on Oct. 9! He did great. It was a nice day with a cool breeze, and David spent part of the game in the baby bjorn that I wore. He slept almost the whole time! He wore a red State jersey and red sock-shoes. State won big, so maybe David is the good luck charm.

Friday, October 8, 2010

All Smiles

David is smiling more each day! We love to catch it on camera when we can. He's definitely a happy baby!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tummy time, bouncy seat, and swing

David loves to spend time playing. Right now he likes "tummy time," where he spends time on his tummy on the floor mat, so that he can build neck and shoulder muscles and get head control. He grunts a lot and gets frustrated that he can't pull up. On Thursday, he actually rolled over from his stomach to his back! I think it was accidental though due to the weight of his head. He loves hearing the musical aquarium and his other musical toys. He also likes bouncing in the vibrating bouncy chair and relaxing in the swing.


David loves interacting with people and just lounging around. He makes a lot of coo and grunting noises!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

1 month old!

David turned 1 month old on October 3! It is hard to believe it has been a month since he was born. David weighs 10 pounds, 14 ounces, up almost 3 pounds from his birth weight of 8 pounds! David has accomplished all of the major milestones of a 1 month old, according to the baby books. He can:

*smile at us
*stare at and respond to faces
*follow faces and objects with his eyes
*lift head while on tummy, looks like a 45 degree angle or so
*respond to sounds
*make cooing or ooh and aah noises - even sounds like he is laughing some!
*clasp hands together (just noticed this on the 2nd!)

We are excited to see what the next month has in store!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Trip to Hickory/Lenoir

We went to Hickory and Lenoir the weekend of Oct. 1 to visit Aunt K and Uncle Mike and to attend one of my best friend's Brooke's baby shower! It was a great fall weekend in the foothills, and David got to see a lot of people. We enjoyed seeing K and Mike's house and walking around the property there. K and Mike were very helpful in playing and watching Baby David. We had fun going to Brooke's baby shower and seeing her cute baby bump - i.e. soon to be Baby Weston! Baby David is excited to meet Baby Weston in December.