Sunday, June 26, 2011


David is crawling around and enjoying exploring everything!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Playdate with Whit

David and Whit had another playdate! They had fun playing with toys and chasing Lily the cat around! The boys interact well with each other and smile and laugh a lot. It will be fun seeing what these two get in to!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

David goes to Washington D.C.!

We took David to D.C. for the weekend and had a great time! David liked looking at all the sites and strolling around the town. He also liked waving at people as we strolled by. We spent a lot of time out lounging in the malls on the grass too so that David could practice his crawling. We walked around the White House, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, WWII and Korean Memorials on Friday. Then on Saturday we spent the morning at the National Zoo, where David loved looking at the meerkats because they would run around their exhibit and come right up to him and say hello. We went to the Newseum and saw the history of news - see my video from that below. The Newseum had an exhibit where you could create and later download a newsclip of yourself - you were supposed to read a script but I ad-libbed too! We went to the outdoor garden at the national art gallery. On Sunday we also made brief stops in the National Air and Space Museum and the Art Museum and spent time on the mall, where we fed the birds, which David also enjoyed seeing. It was a good weekend, and Jake enjoyed his first Father's Day!

Video from the D.C. Newseum

This is our video from the Newseum museum in D.C. - it had an exhibit where you could create a fake news video and later download it - we read from a script and also ad-libbed.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Here is David enjoying his playroom. He likes to play and make music with the Leapfrog learning table and likes to play with the Learning Home, where he watches the door and window open and close and likes to play with the shapes.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Computer Geeks

David already loves computers, whether it is looking at the monitor or banging on the keys!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

More pool time!

David enjoys his kiddie pool. He likes to put water in cups and pour it out. He likes playing with the tub sub and other water toys.

Laughing video

Here is David laughing and eating a Mum Mum cracker! Sorry this video is sideways - it was taken on my phone that way and haven't figured out how to get it rotated correctly.

Friday, June 10, 2011

David spots a bunny

We saw a baby bunny in front of us on one of our evening walks in the neighborhood. Can you spot it? It jumped away when we got close. We've seen it a couple times since then.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pool time

David visited the pool this weekend. He liked his float with the sunshade, and the water was warm.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


David has fun playing with the kitties.

David and balloon

David loves balloons, and he usually gets one when we make a grocery run to Harris Teeter. The kitties love playing with the balloon strings, so it's fun to watch David and the kitties all play with the balloons. The kitties also unfortunately like to chew on the flowers that we bring inside. Here is Chipper getting caught in the act.

Lots of food!

David is eating a lot of different foods these days and loves tasting what we're eating. He eats cheese, yogurt, crackers, cheerios, pieces of bagel, fruit, meat, veggies, tomatoes, rice, egg yolk, and bites of ice cream when we give him a taste :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

9 Months!

David turned 9 months old on June 3rd! He is growing so fast and getting into everything now! He has started army crawling and will pull and crawl across the whole room! He gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. He likes to climb his mommy and will crawl across the room to me. He also likes to pick up small objects with his thumb and forefinger. He is eating a lot of different foods and likes to try what we're eating. One of his favorite things is to feed us cheerios, which he thinks is hilarious. He is saying mama and dada and says "get" a lot, which we think may mean get the kitties or get Buddy. He loves playing with gears or examining the wheels on cars. He loves chasing us around the kitchen in his walker. He has started waving hi and bye bye at people as well! He has so much personality and is a lot of fun to be around.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

More fun times playing in the yard and in the playroom!