Friday, June 29, 2012

Playdate with Whit

Whit and Kim came over, and the boys had a great time playing trains, reading books, and eating ice cream! They are very serious about their trains and which cars go with which engine and caboose! They also ran around and played with trucks.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Building a Birdhouse

David and Dada built a birdhouse together. We got the kids kit from Home Depot. David helped Dada nail it together and then paint it. Now we can hang it outside!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beach Trip!

We went with Brooke and Weston and my parents and Buddy to N. Myrtle. The boys had such a good time! David kept calling "Wess-ton" in the morning and would go looking for him. They would play fire trucks together and play in the pool together. Weston liked to help pour cups of water in the bathtub for David. We went to the beach a lot, and the boys played in the sand and water. Weston loved the ocean. Then we'd go in the kiddie pool and the big pool. My parents helped out a lot. It was fun catching up with Brooke and watching the boys play!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

After our swim lesson at Pullen, David enjoyed a piece of pizza, then we went to the summer solstice party at JC Raulston arboretum to celebrate the longest day of the year! It was a beautiful evening. David enjoyed an NC State ice cream sundae with sprinkles. We did a scavenger hunt finding stamps hidden among the gardens, and David loved finding the stamps and stamping them on his hand! It truly was the longest day of the year, as we went home, and David enjoyed soccer and laying on his big beach ball in our front grass before heading to bed!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

David and Dada have fun mowing and watering the lawn!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Duke Gardens in summer

We visited the Duke Gardens. It's pretty this time of year with all of the hydrangeas and magnolias. David loved climbing over the red bridge and running along the trails. He also loved playing soccer in the big open spaces. He was going great kicking the ball and was very coordinated!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


We've had playdates at Erin Harden's house and at Whit's house. David played with Caroline, Amelia, and Pate; he liked to push around the doll strollers, fill them with balls, and look at books. David also really liked Whit's train table and his water table outside!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Playdate at Lake Johnson Pool

David met some of his friends from First Baptist preschool at Lake Johnson pool. He was especially happy to see Maya! They walked around and played cars in the kiddie pool (very cold!), and splashed in the fountain area. We got in the big pool too. A good time was had by all.